Below are the various NYMISSA Committees and their members. Click on any committee title to see a description of that committee.
Committee Head (typically Board members but may also be advisors)
- Self select or nominated by members of the Board or Advisors
- Annual renewal necessary
- Must identify and appoint successor
- Must document committee mission and operating procedures
- Must recruit members and volunteers
- Must provide guidance and leadership to committee members
- Must attend Board meetings and committee meetings
- Must provide status updates on a monthly basis
- Must have TOTAL transparency and use Webex to document all activities
- Minimum of 10 hours per month (3 for program attendance and 1 for Board meeting and 6 for committee work)
Infrastructure Committee Description:
Provide infrastructure services to the chapter. Committee members manage the tools and services to 1) provide administrative services internally to the Board, 2) communicate eternally with membership and the public, and 3) manage vendor relationships such as Cvent, web design, etc.
Isaac Salles, Chair
Carol Anthony
Logistics Committee Description:
This committee focuses on the hands on delivery of program services to members. The committee members secure space for monthly programs, host the programs at each location, manage the onsite member sign-in process, develop evaluations and handle all onsite logistics.
James Dixon
Membership Committee Description:
The Membership Committee focuses on member support and member retention. Committee members support existing members, focus on new member initiatives and maintain membership databases etc.
Michael Young, Chair
Program Committee Description:
This committee’s members develop educational and networking programs for membership, and programs for the promotion of our sponsors. These programs may be half-day or full-day programs. The programs include lecture-format, panel, table-top exercises, conference tracks. Committee members find speakers, develop program topics, manage speaker relationships and maintain programs at least 6 months in advance.
Steve Magny, Chair
Jay Leek
Joseph Rivela
Dov Yoran
Public Relations/Marketing Committee Description:
The NYMISSA Public Relations Committee supports the communications of NYMISSA education, networking, mentoring and community outreach programs, events and activities for the benefit of the NYMISSA Members in accordance with the Mission and Vision of the organization. All activities are subject to the approval of at least the head of membership, infrastructure and President of the NYMISSA Chapter.
Carol Anthony, Co-Chair
Dov Yoran, Co-Chair
Joseph Rivela, Co-Chair
Michael Young, Co-Chair
Treasury/Finance Committee Description:
Manages treasury, accounting and financial services for the chapter. This committee focuses on day to day financial operations and manages projections of expenses for the future.
Joel Kazin, Chair