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Malware and Advanced Persistent Threats: Current Trends and Mitigation

Malware and Advanced Persistent Threats (APT) are cyberthreat categories directed at both business and political targets. The attack objectives therefore typically extend beyond immediate financial gain, and compromised systems continue to be of service even after key systems have been compromised and initial data breach goals reached. Malware successfully penetrates enterprises through a variety of… [Read more]


Venue: Microsoft, 1290 Avenue of the Americas (Sixth Avenue) between 51st & 52nd Streets, 6th Floor Aligning BCP into Your Firm’s Overall Governance Model Kathleen Lucey BIA - A Supply Chain Perspective W. Patrick Pryor, CISSP, CIPP Combining Geographic Information and Network Management Systems to Achieve Enhanced Network Security and Availability Anita D’Amico, Ph.D. [Read more]